Dr.Freeman Plastic Surgery maintains an average rating of 4.8/5 based on over 150+ client reviews*

*based on 3rd party Google reviews
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Board Certified Plastic SurgeonMichael Brandon Freeman, M.D.
As a broad-based plastic surgeon I chose to care for patients with burns, hand injuries, craniofacial traumas and deformities, and people requiring reconstruction procedures such as cancer patients. I enjoy the breadth of patients in my practice. The skills required to repair the injured and to reconstruct the deformed are building blocks to the synergism required to rejuvenate or enhance the cosmetic outcomes in my aesthetic patients.
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Before & After

Lip Injection & Shaping
Cosmetic Procedure

Breast Augmentation
Cosmetic Procedure

Chin Reshape
Cosmetic Procedure

Tummy Tuck
Cosmetic Procedure

Cosmetic Procedure

Cosmetic Procedure
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